Our students, teachers and community are committed to ensuring we:
- seek authentic opportunities to engage students in learning.
- promote critical and creative thinking, collaboration, problem solving and leadership.
- model life-long learning.
- demonstrate accountability, high expectations, and a respect for learning.
- develop interactive and educational uses for technology to support teachers and engage learners
On Track Behavior System
On Track Behavior System (OTBS) is a school-wide process of helping students learn positive behaviors and strategies to help him/her achieve important social and academic goals.
OTBS Goals
1. Be consistent with the way we teach positive behaviors.
2. Use data on a regular basis to make decisions about how to improve support to increase positive behaviors.
3 Establish and implement a process for reinforcing behaviors.
4. Promote a safe, learning environment for each student by increasing instructional time.
When a student demonstrates OnTrack behavior, he/she may receive a coupon. Students may earn OnTrack coupons in all settings throughout the day. Coupons are used to earn rewards.
Targeted behaviors include:
Respect, Responsibility, Ready
Please look forward to your child earning and bringing home coupons. When your child earns a coupon, please take time at home to celebrate his/her positive behaviors. Ask your child to tell about the positive behavior that was demonstrated. Coupons may remain at home as a celebration and reminder of your child’s success.
Sandymount Elementary School (SES) is a school rich with history. SES began in 1935 as a three-room stone building consolidating the smaller one room schools of Reese, Bethel, and Sandymount. In 1936, a modern cafeteria and an auditorium with a stage were built to keep pace with a growing Sandymount community. Traditionally, SES has always responded to the needs of it's students and the community as evidenced by modernization projects and serving as "home base" for the Sandymount Recreation Council.
In 1991, a major renovation moved the faculty and the entire student body twenty minutes away from the school's Finksburg site into portables. During an 18-month period, the school was modernized, enlarged and core facilities such as the gymnasium, media center, and cafeteria were revamped. When the school reopened in November 1993, teachers and students were thrilled to return to the new and improved Sandymount Elementary School. The motto, "Sandymount Elementary Moving Ahead Together" is repeated in the tradition of movement and betterment.
School Hours: 9:15am to 3:45pm